We are getting ready for the ministry this morning. The time here is 1 hour before Vermont, so we are not crazy getting up this early. I thought the Daily Text was fitting this morning, talking about self sacrifice. So many down here have made sacrifices to be able to stay, and Jehovah has really blessed their efforts.
Riva made a huge leap last night, ordering her own meal in Spanish! I'm proud of her. We also met another young couple, Who have been in Panama for 3 years. They were talking about the huge need for more assistance. They just relocated to a few towns over to help, but had to leave behind 11 bible studies, with no one to take them over! Most halls in Spanish have very few Elders/servants, leaving the brothers who are there very overwhelmed.
Anyway, we will hopefully have some good stories from our day in David. Where it gets really hot, in the 90s at least.
-The Jacksons
Is is unbearably hot? like humid hot?